Pancreas and Islet

Confirmed Speakers

Stay tuned for updates as the Congress Program comes into focus!

Workshop Session:

Beta Cell Replacement around the World - Where are we as a global community?

Beta Cell Replacement around the World - Where are we as a global community

Thomas Kay, Australia

How can we teach/learn from one another to develop pancreas transplantation?

Duck Jong Han, Korea
(with Byung-Hyun Choi)

How can we teach/learn from one another to develop pancreas transplantation?

Byung-Hyun Choi, Korea
(with Duck Jong Han)

What are the bottleneck and hurdles to overcome to expand beta cell replacement?

Hussein Khambalia, United Kingdom


SOTA Session:

Beta Cell Replacement for the Future: Views from the Three Musketeers

The view from endocrinology

Eelco de Koning, The Netherlands

The view from surgery

Silke Niederhaus, United States

The view from regenerative medicine

Giuseppe Orlando, Unites States